Monday, April 2, 2012

Anthropomorphism in Short Stories

During our creative projects, I was absolutely amazed with the anthropomorphism the short stories portrayed. The ability and power these stories hold on someones emotions is mammoth. It was almost like watching a movie, these stories kept the reader engaged throughout the duration.

One that reached out to me in a strong way was the lonely goldfish. Maybe this is because it had a less than pleasant ending. However, it seems a little ironic that out of all the stories we heard this one in particular left the greatest impact. I've never owned a fish or have even really considered them an emotional creature. Yet, in this story I nearly cried.

I suppose a well written story can reach an entirely new audience like myself. Anthropomorphising this little gold fish was a perfect way for me to realize fish have feelings too. The power stories hold and the ability they have to affect individual's thoughts and emotions is truly bewildering; sometimes even more effective than films.

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