Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nonhuman Turn

I attended the Ethics section in The Nonhuman Turn conference. There were two presenters; the topics presented were Companionable Objects, Companionable Conscience and Ethology become ethics: exploding Uexkull. The former of the two discussed the heritage of the Tau Tau and their symbolism relating to their culture. These highly respected figures not only symbolize deceased family members they are also considered a work of art-- highly recognized. Because of their value the original artifacts are hidden away in a private place. Leaving replicas displayed for their beauty and symbolism.

The latter of the two topics discussed Uexkull specifically Romanticism, Vitalism, and Conservation, and Place not Space. This presenter was a little more difficult for me to understand. Possibly because it seemed the topic was more abstract to grasp than what I'm used to. However, there was one concept presented relating to Uexkull which was the notion of modernity being soulless, ultimately abandoning God. Also the idea of our senses created to comprehend nature, not God. This particular statement made me ponder the concept of creation and nature. Especially focusing in on animals and their ability to survive on nature alone. Their senses especially were made to comprehend nature. This was the most moving argument I got from second speaker in the conference.

Out of the two presenters and their relation to our class the second specifically discussed animals and contradicting Uexkull's viewpoint. However, the first presenter didn't really discuss the image of animals, yet culture and traditions in rural third world villages. I found the Tau Tau experience the most interesting, primarily because it was on the a topic I had no idea existed and it does play close to heart on so many of these individuals living in the village. There is nothing more intimate than preserving or discussing a loved on that past, and pictures along with the presentation only solidified than notion.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Animal- Human Perception

It seems that everything in this world is interconnected. Everything is related and has a purpose. Humans have a purpose, though to narrow down what specifically that is would be rather difficult. However, animals also have a purpose. Animals have these automatic instilled routines that is the central reason for their life and their actions throughout the day.

Jakob von Uexkull discusses perception on a level that I never even knew existed or mattered. " Life is not just about matter or how it immediately interacts with itself, but also how the matter acts with interconnected systems that include organisms in their separately perceiving worlds." Uexkull later goes on saying these perceived worlds are incomplete. I think what Uexkull is trying to get at is that the world each human lives in is very different from the world another may experience. Because perception varies so drastically by each person, life experiences also contrast.Ultimately, altering perception.

The same goes for animals. Even though all animals are living and have some sort of role to fulfill their duties to survive and thrive, it is rather difficult to compare two animals of different species and the world they may experience. Uexkull uses the comparison on honeybees and their role within their breed and dynamics pertaining to the the upkeep of their hive. These honeybees go on a misson in search of necessities the hive may need. When they find what they are looking for such as pollen, water, or nectar, they return back to the hive and communicate through spitting and dancing to inform the other bees. This has become their life, and form of communication. This is the honeybees world. To maintain the nest and follow orders from the queen bee, since bees work in a hierarchy fashion. The honeybee's perception on the world merely consists on their ability to thrive which reflects the how well they have been maintaining their hive. Bees aren't concerned with anything else in the world, their perception is very narrow, Uexkull would say incomplete.

Every organism has an incomplete perception. Primarily because every role in life is different than one another. It's a difficult, and at times an unreal concept to fathom knowing that each organism has a purpose and the world they know is so limited, obviously the goes for humans, Uexkull stated that humans think they perceive so much, but in actuality doctors and scientists still see and understand such a limited amount of the world, primarily because we all have separately perceiving worlds that are inevitable.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

"Animals are Mere Machines?"

"An Animals Place" by Micheal Pollan reaches the sad yet truthful relationship humans have with animals. Not a pet dog, but truly animals. The pig at the farm. Pollan used the analogy of half of American's dog population will receive Christmas presents, however little consider the life of a pig, an equally intelligent animal. There has become a disconnect with animals that provide us nourishment. It's assumed our meat comes for the grocery store rather than a farm. When this disconnect is present it takes away any sense of emotion that could be tied to animal welfare.

Pollan goes on acknowledging our countries that have taken on animal rights first hand. Europe, Germany in particular has granted animals a constitutional right. England banned farming animals for fur. The European progression is vast. Though it takes America more time to adapt to change, we are transforming. Pollan mentions McDonalds and Burger King improving the US Meat Industry. Food Inc also mentions this when they are discussing organics with the Wal-Mart buyers. If the demand is there, businesses will seek to meet it. It may take awhile, but it's going to happen.

Pollan later goes on discussing the concept of Animal Liberation. This topic appeals to me in a very interesting way. Probably because I am not so sure what my stance is. " The very existence of predation–animals eating animals." I have never actually thought of this when considering going vegetarian or vegan. I was vegan for approximately 6 months. My reasoning for this was primarily a healthier diet and after reading a book called, Skinny Bitch. Similar to Pollan it discussed animal rights and health aspects of a vegan diet. Anyhow, animals were designed when in their natural state to survive and thrive which leads to eating other animals-- "the intrinsic evil in nature’s design." It is a messed up thought being designed to eat another being, but it's nature; I don't think I could ever argue altering natures natural path, the ecological role.

One concept I learned from a philosopher at a young age was that the difference between humans and animals is that we have the ability to reason. I have interpreted this as, we humans have an obligation to not only thrive but to allow others to thrive as well. Allow nature to thrive. Allow animals to thrive. In order to do this ethics and humanity play a huge role. In order to create a much more coherent universe we need to consider our emotions and the emotions of other beings, such as animals. It's important to treat a pig well, because a pig's emotional state affects it's health. Health can be linked to a lot of different aspects within a pigs body, but when it does come time to consume this meat, who wants to eat a depressed pig that was treated awfully and lived in a dark and dirty factory. I will always choose to eat a pig that lived a happy life. Happiness is key, and it's our duty and humans that have the ability to reason, to do our part and protect those that don't have a voice.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Anthropomorphism in Short Stories

During our creative projects, I was absolutely amazed with the anthropomorphism the short stories portrayed. The ability and power these stories hold on someones emotions is mammoth. It was almost like watching a movie, these stories kept the reader engaged throughout the duration.

One that reached out to me in a strong way was the lonely goldfish. Maybe this is because it had a less than pleasant ending. However, it seems a little ironic that out of all the stories we heard this one in particular left the greatest impact. I've never owned a fish or have even really considered them an emotional creature. Yet, in this story I nearly cried.

I suppose a well written story can reach an entirely new audience like myself. Anthropomorphising this little gold fish was a perfect way for me to realize fish have feelings too. The power stories hold and the ability they have to affect individual's thoughts and emotions is truly bewildering; sometimes even more effective than films.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Contemporary Zoos

As a child I loved the zoo, everything about. It seemed so magical. Within the past two years, my perception has changed quite dramatically. It’s not that I no longer enjoy or like the zoo, however I can’t help but think of animals in captivity. Taxidermy, robotics, and special effects have the ability to not only preserve but also create a positive change in zoos.

One great aspect of zoos is their educational value. With taxidermy, robotics, and special effects it would be possible to preserve certain animals with a specific condition and continue to educate even though the animal has past; this is all possible through taxidermy. Though some may argue that taxidermy is cruel and inhumane, it does serve a purpose. Above all, education should be the main motivation.

Robotics and special effects have the ability to advance zoos to a great extent. Even though many visit the zoo to see the animals, shows are also an added bonus. Robotic animals and special effects can create a fascinating presentation without involving actual animals, but yet still so lifelike. Animals that are put through trainings to be involved in theatrical shows can be abused through the vigorous demanding schedule and constant critique. This is an easy alternative that not only benefits the animals it sets zoos to a higher standard as being seen as a more respectable destination. We have come a long way in the transformation of traditional to contemporary zoos, but we still have the ability to improve so much—with technology it makes this possible.

Monday, March 5, 2012

At the Zoo

Growing up, my family has always enjoyed the Zoo, as entertainment yet more important a time for bonding. I recall having my 12th Birthday at the Minnesota State Zoo. My favorite exhibit were the baboons. While attending, the current condition of the animal's happiness never came to mind, not once.

However, this all changed when I went to the zoo again this past summer with my sister and nephews. My perspective has transformed dramatically. One specific experience I recall perfectly was the "tiger den." Visitors were to view the tiger from above. Even though the tiger's area had forestry and a small pond, all I can remember is the tiger pacing back and forth along the edge of the fence. I think back at how taken sad I was, even now. The tiger seemed so unhappy. When an animal paces back and forth anytime, I instantly think of misery.

I know I don't have the power quite yet to implement change in this tiger's life, but someday I hope I do. Zoo's can be a great thing; whether it is through education or animal rehabilitation they do serve a purpose. There just has to be a way to ensure animal happiness at a greater level.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

An All-Knowing Animal

Jonathan Burt analyzes on the the very first animal hero films ever made entitled, Rescued by Rover (Hepworth, 1905). The theme of this film involves a pet collie, Rover that acts as the families protector. The nanny goes on a walk with a family's baby and loses the child during her stroll. When she returns home without the baby in hand, loss and suspicion arise. Rover immediately takes on an authoritative role and goes out searching for the baby. Rover then gets the father's attention and forces him to follow, leading him to the baby to bring her home.

The relationship between Rover and the father illustrates trust and understanding. With a silent film in particular such as Rescued by Rover, actions have to say everything. As Rover retraces his path three times to affirm where the baby is located, he is exemplifying strength and persistence-- both traits in which dogs are recognized and admired for; a reason why many families opt to get a family dog. Rover is the only figure on the film who "understands" as much as the camera (116). Burt describes these themes as mechanical (the pursuit) and the non-mechanical (the possibility of a common understanding outside language) come together without actually collapsing into each other (117). Essentially, this is a perfect example of human-animal relationships. In particular how a connection can be discerned through a pet dog and owner. A connection so strong working together, they are able to save their baby, and live happily ever after. :)